We’re recruiting U.S.-based participants for a study examining the relationship between directed intention and CO2 levels. Activities include a brief (4-minute) meditation, intention-setting task, or interactive game. Optional surveys follow—all online. Eligibility: 18+, U.S. resident. Learn more an...Read More
Are you ready to usher in innovative research that could revolutionize our approach to climate change? Public Parapsychology (PuP) invites participation in an exciting citizen science project examining whether consciousness-based practices can enhance carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration in soil. Abou...Read More
Do you believe that focused intention can influence outcomes in the world? Many scientists in the field of parapsychology suggest that it’s possible. Over the years, psi (or “psychic” functioning) has been studied for its applications in areas such as self-improvement, executive decision-making, fin...Read More
Join us for the upcoming meeting of the Psi Book Club on August 13th at 7:30pm (Eastern) as we dive into “DMT Entity Encounters” edited by David Luke & Rory Spowers, with chapters contributed by Ralph Metzner, Chris Bache, Whitley Strieber, Jeffrey Kripal, Angela Voss, Bill Richards,...Read More
A recent study published in Frontiers in Psychology offers intriguing insights into the cognitive styles of psi researchers compared to skeptics and lay believers in the dynamic field of parapsychology. The study compares the thinking styles of academic researchers who study these phenomena, skeptic...Read More
Join us for the upcoming meeting of the Psi Book Club on July 9th at 7:30pm (Eastern) as we dive into “The Science of Channeling” by Helané Wahbeh ND MCR. This session promises to be extra special, as Dr. Wahbeh herself will be joining us to answer your questions! 📅 Date: Tuesday, July 9...Read More
College students who feel stigmatized about their paranormal beliefs are more likely to abuse substances such as alcohol, marijuana, and amphetamines. When will science finally normalize such beliefs and experiences?
Haunting stories and the oral tradition around them provide a way for the Sámi people to challenge dominant colonial narratives and maintain their own ancestral and cultural importance. Even though they have been removed, the land remains theirs by way of a continued supernatural presence.