Blog List – Classic

The Rainbow Bridge and the Animal Afterlife

Have you ever wondered what happens to your pets after they die? Do they go to heaven or some other kind of afterlife? These questions, often asked by pet owners who are grieving the loss of their beloved animals, are explored by Andrew Dean of the University of Sunderland.

A Study of Divination Practices Among Traditional Dagbon Communities in Ghana

A study conducted in Ghana provides critical insight into how divination is combined with traditional healthcare services in indigenous communities.

“Haunted Houses” Remain Scientific Mysteries

Here’s a little-known factoid to share during the upcoming Halloween season — haunted houses are a scientific reality. That conclusion comes from Jim Houran's decades of dedicated research on “ghostly episodes,” that is, manifestations attributed to ghosts, haunts, or poltergeists.

Encountering the Other: An Analysis of DMT Experiences

As psychedelic research makes headlines in premier medical journals and mainstream media across the globe, it is clear that a psychedelic renaissance is in full swing. This rapidly reemerging field of research brings with it countless unanswered questions, not only surrounding the psychedelic compounds themselves but also regarding previously unexplained and extraordinary human experiences.

When the Truth is Out There

Between one-third and one-half of the global population report having anomalous/exceptional experiences. Approximately half of them find the experiences distressing. This presents a clear need for mental health practitioners with specific training in listening constructively to these experiences. However, few have this training, leaving those will distressing paranormal experiences underserved.

Public Parapsychology Launches Three Initiatives for Climate Action

Public Parapsychology Community (PPC) provided a virtual space for academics and members of the public to explore the application of consciousness-based practices as change agents to help combat the global climate crisis.

Psi & Sustainability

The Exploring Consciousness-Based Applications for Climate Action Workshop & Ideathon has closed. Three teams were formed: one team exploring "subtle activism" as a psi application, one carbon removal Xprize team, and a team working on a mobile app for collectively focusing intent.

Exploring Consciousness-Based Applications for Climate Action

Public Parapsychology is calling for centers, laboratories, and citizen scientists engaged in consciousness-based research & practices to consider devoting at least a small portion of their 2022 activities to climate action.