Public Parapsychology explores the art, technology, and science of various topics associated with exceptional experiences and phenomena collectively referred to as “psi.” This includes extrasensory perception, mind-matter interactions, and the survival of personality after bodily death.
Public Parapsychology supports the discussion of parapsychological research in light of social values such as equality, justice, and freedom; ecological values such as global health and sustainability; and intellectual values through constructive dialogue with and among students, citizen scientists, professional researchers, communities of practitioners, and religious and cultural leaders.
Public Parapsychology’s mission is to promote public scholarship by advancing parapsychological pursuits that inform and are informed by the public good; boosting the development and transfer of knowledge and technology; educating the public about what career scientists do; and listening to the public about what research needs to be done.
Board of Directors

Annalisa Ventola
Annalisa Ventola is a researcher and educator in the field of parapsychology, promoting public scholarship, effective science communication, training psi, and applying consciousness-based practices to climate action. She is the Executive Director of the Parapsychological Association, and the Founder of Public Parapsychology.
A cultural creative at the intersection of the arts, sciences, and consciousness, Annalisa is also a performing musician, composer, and teacher of piano and trombone, holding a BA in Music and operating a private studio. She has led workshops on overcoming stage fright and is fascinated by approaches that foster a creative state of flow.

Ramsés D'León
Ramsés D'León is a Mexican researcher and administrator in the field of parapsychology with a deep interest in psychokinesis, physiological anticipation, and artificial intelligence. He is a Founding Member of the Centro de Investigación de la Sintergia y la Consciencia (CISC), Researcher at the Unidad Parapsicológica de Investigación, Difusión y Enseñanza (UPIDE), Professional Member and International Liaison for Mexico of the Parapsychological Association (PA), Board Member of the Rhine Research Center, and Sub-Director of Artificial Intelligence in one of Mexico's biggest banks.
He aspires to help in finding consciousness-based applications to address real-world challenges. His approach includes advancing scientific research into psi phenomena, facilitating exceptional experiences to help others explore their own extraordinary abilities, and leveraging cutting-edge technology through physiology and artificial intelligence to uncover new ways to study these frontier phenomena.

Mark Crewson
Mark Crewson has spent his life searching behind the fabric of reality to discover the meaning of everything. In his youth, it led him to explore the nature of the mind/body connection through the study of Judo, the intricacies of politics through scouting, and the interplay of mathematics & logic with sublime, divinely-inspired creativity through music, leading to his BA in Music. From there, he turned to a contemporaneous exploration of consciousness via spiritual practices, and his nearly 25 year career at Accenture mainly focused on program management.
Mark leads the Monroe Institute's Outreach Leadership Council. He is a supporting member of the Parapsychological Association, an Institute of Noetic Sciences donor, learning to connect with Greater Self & other sources of deep wisdom, and most recently, learning about the extensive history behind the UFO/UAP phenomenon and its connection with consciousness.