
Sámi Hauntings and Resisting Colonization

Haunting stories and the oral tradition around them provide a way for the Sámi people to challenge dominant colonial narratives and maintain their own ancestral and cultural importance. Even though th...

Public Parapsychology Launches Three Initiatives for Climate Action

Public Parapsychology Community (PPC) provided a virtual space for academics and members of the public to explore the application of consciousness-based practices as change agents to help combat the g...

Psi & Sustainability

The Exploring Consciousness-Based Applications for Climate Action Workshop & Ideathon has closed. Three teams were formed: one team exploring "subtle activism" as a psi application, one carbon removal...

A Reboot & Mission Statement

Public Parapsychology is enjoying something of a reboot from its 2006 origins as a blog to a community website, which has occasioned the opportunity to get centered on a mission statement...