Because Dr. Wooffitt's research had been severely misrepresented by these and other sites, I contacted him and invited to discuss his research and its goals here at Public Parapsychology. The following was his response...
On a subtle and unconscious level, our body’s autonomic nervous system may "jump" in response to frightening or startling stimuli. However, it does so even before our body encounters it.
In the primer, we discuss the current scientific literature on geomagnetism, electromagnetism, and the relationship of these magnetic fields to haunting experiences.
Recently there has been a notable increase in the number of research articles relating to the study of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) that have been published in the mainstream literature.
Some might take the separation between anomalistic psychology and parapsychology to imply that parapsychologists are believers in the paranormal or anomalistic psychologists are non-believers, but this simplistic outlook is not the case.
These days, the word 'psi' has almost become synonymous with the word 'parapsychology'. But what does it mean?
Researche3rs investigated how directed mental healing by indigenous healers in South Africa impacted upon the functioning of an Orion random event generator (REG).
Researchers at the University of Northampton address the question of whether extra sensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK) are sufficiently distinct to merit separate terms.