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When the Truth is Out There

Between one-third and one-half of the global population report having anomalous/exceptional experien...

Public Parapsychology Launches Three Initiatives for Climate Action

Public Parapsychology Community (PPC) provided a virtual space for academics and members of the publ...

Psi & Sustainability

The Exploring Consciousness-Based Applications for Climate Action Workshop & Ideathon has closed. Th...

Exploring Consciousness-Based Applications for Climate Action

Public Parapsychology is calling for centers, laboratories, and citizen scientists engaged in consci...

Psi exists and it belongs to everyone.

Proof-oriented empirical research on extra sensory perception has demonstrated—at the very least—sta...

A Reboot & Mission Statement

Public Parapsychology is enjoying something of a reboot from its 2006 origins as a blog to a communi...

Support for Parapsychological Research in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, an open-access academic publisher and research network, has publish...

Poltergeist Phenomena Primer

This edition summarizes the current state of parapsychological research and perspectives on polterge...

Apparitional Experiences Primer

A basic and accessible primer for paranormal enthusiasts on what parapsychologists and psychical res...

Temperature in Haunting Experiences: A Basic Primer for Paranormal Enthusiasts 

In this primer, we give a brief overview of what parapsychologists have learned so far about tempera...

Using Brain Imaging as a Direct Test for Psi

With the advent of brain imaging technology, there is the promise of peering through the skull to ge...

Self-Concept and Body Investment in Out-of-Body Experients

Prior research has found that people who have had out-of-body experiences (OBErs) report higher leve...