Annalisa Ventola posted in the group Psi & Sustainability
For those of you following the projects that came out of this year’s PPC workshop-ideathon-sprint on applying consciousness-based practices to climate action, one of the teams recently presented a research report at this year’s combined annual meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration and Parapsychological Association on the status of…Read More
Kate McCallum joined the group Psi & Sustainability
sadegryffin joined the group Psi & Sustainability
Ramses D'Leon posted in the group Parapsicología en Español
Ya está disponible el video del panel del Centro de Investigación de la Sintergia y la Consciencia sobre “Parapsicología, Experiencias Extraordinarias y Teoría Sintérgica”, como parte de las actividades de la “Jornada de Exploración del Nuevo Paradigma: consciencia, realidad y transformación planetaria”:
htt…Read More
TeaTemple joined the group Parapsicología en Español
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About Me
Gregg Bowington
I have had experiences throughout my life that kept me searching for an understanding and eventually led to me taking parapsychology classes through the Rhine Education Center. I am a member of the PA and IRVA.
I worked in radio/tv production for 20+ years. I currently work for my municipality in the street division.
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Psi & Sustainability
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Parapsicología en Español
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