Ramses D'Leon posted in the group Parapsicología en Español
Ya está disponible el video del panel del Centro de Investigación de la Sintergia y la Consciencia sobre “Parapsicología, Experiencias Extraordinarias y Teoría Sintérgica”, como parte de las actividades de la “Jornada de Exploración del Nuevo Paradigma: consciencia, realidad y transformación planetaria”:
htt…Read More
Ramses D'Leon posted in the group Psi & Sustainability
Hey gals & guys! Public Parapsychology has registered for the Elon Musk’s prize competition for Carbon Removal, in the Xprize platform: https://www.xprize.org/prizes/elonmusk
We need to promote the collaboration and effort required to tackle this imminent problem, even if it takes us out of our comfort zone. This effort requires each Project…Read More
Ohhh THAT’S what the xprize is lol I had no idea what it was when you all mentioned it last weekend. I suppose that’s a pretty big thing then huh LOL
Ramses D'Leon joined the group Psi & Sustainability
Ramses D'Leon created the group Parapsicología en Español
About Me
Ramses D'Leon
Chief Researcher - Unidad Parapsicológica de Investigación, Difusión y Enseñanza
I'm a researcher and educator in the field of Parapsychology. My principal interests in the field are psychokinesis and physiological anticipation, though I’m also engaged in reaching the field to students and researchers in another disciplines.
Óscar Iborra
Randy Liebeck
Mark Crewson
Mike Totaro
Psi & Sustainability
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Parapsicología en Español
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