Annalisa Ventola wrote a new post
Annalisa Ventola wrote a new post
Annalisa Ventola posted in the group Psi & Sustainability
Great news! The Planet Minute App is in its prelaunch phase, and we are looking for beta testers. Learn more and sign up at https://planetminute.org/.
Annalisa Ventola wrote a new post
Annalisa Ventola wrote a new post
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About Me

Ramses D'Leon
Chief Researcher - Unidad Parapsicológica de Investigación, Difusión y Enseñanza
I'm a researcher and educator in the field of Parapsychology. My principal interests in the field are psychokinesis and physiological anticipation, though I’m also engaged in reaching the field to students and researchers in another disciplines.

Óscar Iborra

Randy Liebeck


Mark Crewson

Mike Totaro

Psi & Sustainability
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Parapsicología en Español
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