Annalisa Ventola posted in the group Psi & Sustainability
I’m really excited that at the December 17th Workshop, Julia Mossbridge will be discussing the study described in this article, where she worked with remote viewers and climate scientist to arrive at novel approaches to climate action.
Mark Boccuzzi joined the group
Psi & Sustainability
Annalisa Ventola started the topic PA Online Symposium: Exceptional Death-Related Experiences November 20th in the forum Events
The Parapsychological Association has just released the abstracts for its upcoming online symposium Exceptional Death-Related Experiences. Tickets are $25 for general admission ($15 for PA members) for the event itself on November 20th. However, you can download the abstracts for free.
About Me

Tom Ruffles
I am a Council member, the Communications Officer, and chair of its Library Committee, of the Society for Psychical Research, a supporting member of the Parapsychological Association, a member of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena, and an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society (by research).
I have Ph.Ds on Life After Death in the Cinema, from the University of East Anglia; and on George Albert Smith (1864–1959): From Stage to Screen, from Anglia Ruskin University, about a significant figure in the early history of the SPR.
Occasional blog posts can be found at: tomruffles.blogspot.com

Dean Radin


Mark Crewson

Mike Totaro

Julia Mossbridge, PhD

Psi & Sustainability
Public Group