Annalisa Ventola wrote a new post
Annalisa Ventola wrote a new post
Annalisa Ventola posted in the group Psi & Sustainability
Great news! The Planet Minute App is in its prelaunch phase, and we are looking for beta testers. Learn more and sign up at https://planetminute.org/.
Annalisa Ventola wrote a new post
Annalisa Ventola wrote a new post
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About Me

Arianne .G Voyance
Voyante et Cartomancienne
Présentation Arianne .G Voyance
Je suis Arianne .G, professionnelle depuis de nombreuses années.
Je suis basée à Albi et propose mes services en personne et en ligne, apportant mon soutien à des personnes dans toute la France par téléphone, tchat et visioconférence. Je suis une pure voyante, tarologue, cartomancienne et astro numérologue et je m'efforce de fournir le meilleur service possible.
I am Arianne .G, professional for many years.
I am based in Albi and offer my services in person and online, supporting people across France by phone, chat and videoconferencing.
I am a pure psychic, tarot reader, fortune teller and astronumerologist and I strive to provide the best service possible.
I am based in Albi and offer my services in person and online, supporting people across France by phone, chat and videoconferencing.
I am a pure psychic, tarot reader, fortune teller and astronumerologist and I strive to provide the best service possible.
Mes Certifications divinatoires mondiales
World Divination Association, International Tarot Foundation, The Tarot Guild, Association Internationale de Numerologues, Certified Astrological Professional of ISAR, Quantum Psychics by CEHE, ....
Voir tous mes Certificats & Labels
Site officiel du cabinet de voyance Arianne .G Voyance
Voyance, Astrologie et Numérologie avec "Arianne .G Voyance"
Keep in touch

Mark Boccuzzi

Mike Totaro

Annalisa Ventola

Mark Crewson


Psi & Sustainability
Public Group