Home Original Forums Calls for Research Participants Have you ever known who was calling you before looking?

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    Many people worldwide have had the experience of knowing who will call them before it happens. This is called telephone telepathy.

    Can you and two friends or family members be available to answer your phone
    twice a day for 6 days for 30 seconds?

    This will help us learn about telephone telepathy.

    If you participate, you and your group will receive up to 5 calls per day until you complete 2 trials per day.

    A trial is when ALL 3 PEOPLE answer the phone for a 1-minute call LEARN MORE.

    The study will end when you complete 12 calls.

    Groups will receive $240 for completing all 12 trials.

    To be eligible for the study, you need to:
    • Be an adult aged 18 years and older
    • Own a smartphone that you use for your phone calls
    • Speak English fluently
    • Have two friends or family members participate with you

    Go to http://www.teletele.org to learn more.

    The study is being conducted by Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and is approved by the Institute of Noetic Science Institutional Review Board.


    Thanks everyone, this study is now complete and the results under peer review! 🙂

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