In a series of volunteer-run events that took place between December 2021 and January 2022, the Public Parapsychology Community (PPC) provided a virtual space for academics and members of the public to explore the application of consciousness-based practices as change agents to help combat the global climate crisis.
The Workshop featured presentations by Alex A. Álvarez (Unidad Parapsicológica de Investigación, Difusión y Enseñanza -UPIDE ), Mark Boccuzzi (The Windbridge Institute), Michael Daw (University of Northampton), Ramsés D’León (UPIDE), Jack Hunter (University of Wales Trinity Saint David), Pascal Michael (University of Greenwich), Julia Mossbridge (University of San Diego), and Annalisa Ventola (Parapsychological Association), which sparked discussion around premises and possibilities for climate action. Videos of those presentations can be reviewed at the PPC YouTube Channel.
The next day’s Ideathon began forming teams around ideas discussed in the previous day’s workshop. Project Leaders, who had submitted their project ideas previous to the event, were given the opportunity to discuss how their ideas were meaningful and achievable to attract potential volunteers in attendance. The flexibility of Airmeet’s stage and social lounge allowed for multiple modes of interaction between attendees so as to form teams. After a few structured activities designed to assist teams on choosing a name, determine roles, and most importantly the objective, three teams were formed: one team exploring “subtle activism” for climate action, one team focused on psi-based carbon removal and sequestration, and another team working on a mobile app for collectively focusing intent.
After the holiday break, the teams returned for a Collaborative Sprint, which was developed to allow the various types of projects to be discussed, reviewed and advanced. Airmeet was selected again as the videoconference hub, in combination with Miro, a virtual endless whiteboard which allowed real-time collaboration between the teams. PPC organizers mapped the full event in Miro on templates with clear instructions for each activity. These activities were designed to take teams out of their comfort zones and immerse them in engaging debates and discussions to help put thoughts into action. Either by creating a fictional sales pitch, or representing a future stakeholder in another team’s project, each team was supported in thinking about their project’s objective, scope, needs, limitations, stakeholders, risks and tasks. A single-day event didn’t allow the time to critically review and define each of these elements, but every team benefitted from the exchange, leading to a rough roadmap of commitments for the next weeks and months.
During the sprint, the CO2 Removal and Sequestration team analyzed the best ways in which to optimize the sampling process, including inclusion and exclusion criteria and creating a pitch to increase participation and engagement. With help from the ambassadors of other teams, they were able to identify opportunities related to psychometric analyses, the inclusion of established psychic practitioners, the scalability and even collaboration points with other institutes. Finally, they were able to establish a six month outline of activities including a literature review, research design, experimental procedure, and administrative tasks.
Meanwhile, the Collective Intent Tech team started with the general idea of creating a mobile app that allows users to collectively focus intent to address a variety of climate change mitigation possibilities. From there they developed the concept further, identifying key components and defining overall goals. The team’s next step is to refine those further into actual features of the app and create a prototype.
The Subtle Activism team started the day without a clear idea of how their project might take shape. However, owing to the collaborative aspect of the sprint, by the end of the day they had two potential projects lined up – one involving expert practitioners of spiritual practices and the other potentially involving large groups – all working on addressing the climate emergency through meditative practices along with associated research. The group will be meeting again soon to identify and allocate tasks, and secure further collaborators and team members.
Currently all three teams continue their work using a common Slack platform to organize their efforts, working in individual team channels alongside a community of like-minded professionals for advice and support. While PPC no longer has an official role in the progress of these projects, teams have been invited to share their updates in the Psi & Sustainability Group at PPC when they have information available for the public.
Public Parapsychology’s mission is to promote public scholarship by advancing parapsychological pursuits that inform and are informed by the public good; boosting the development and transfer of knowledge and technology; educating the public about what career scientists do; and listening to the public about what research needs to be done. Those wishing to support PPC efforts financially are invited to join the community as a Supporter or Patron and/or to make a donation at
Stanley Krippner
What a great idea. Let’s hope there is a lot of support and many volunteers.
Michael Totaro
Thank you Dr.Krippner! That means a lot!
Stanley Krippner
What a great idea! I hope you get support and volunteers.
Annalisa Ventola
Me too, Stan! Thanks for stopping by!
So exciting!! Thank you for this incredible work!
Annalisa Ventola
…and thank you for your encouragement!
Michael Totaro
Thank you so much for the support!
Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D., M.S.W.
This is very cool! While I don’t have a lot of time to be involved overall – I’d like to volunteer that if one of the groups would be interested in having a group of remote viewers tune into/retrieve information about any related topics/goals of climate change that I’d be happy to set up/run such a project with either my advanced students or graduates or from my long list of professional remote viewers who are always looking for interesting and helpful projects to participate in. To date, remote viewers (operating in a blind capacity) and clairvoyants (operating more informed as to the project) have helped with a variety of projects stimulating new ideas and solutions and at least providing some clues). These have ranged from composing music to product development to insights into viruses’ and treatments. Even if the remote viewing data is just looked at as not providing definitive answers but as a means to stimulate creativity. So I’d be happy to run such a project if it contributed to the work of this group. Whoever was seeking this would just let me know what you were looking for and then I could recruit, work with the viewers and then deliver their input into a consolidated report that would be intended to serve as a document that could inform further projects, inquiries, end goals of your climate change project. This would also serve to demonstrate how remote viewing works. Further, we could have 3 groups working independently, it could be remote viewers working blind, clairvoyants working with the knowledge of the task at hand, and also even a group of mediums attempting to primarily work on a mediumship level to access information. These could all be kept separate in the ways they approach the topic and in the analysis of the work but then each group’s findings/insights could also be cross-referenced to find similarities. I run an intuitive school where we have all 3 groups learning and using very different modalities and then also work with many from other communities who trained with other instructors, so it would be easy to recruit and run the project, although time-consuming, to pull this together. Another option is to make it a joint project with the International Remote Viewing Association. I’m co-director of their new research unit with Dale Graff and I’m sure he would be interested in helping out on something like this. Actually, for that matter we could add a fourth group – ESP dreamers as well (we’ve got access to accomplished people in this area available too). We’d just need a really solid/directed research question/tasking as that would impact the entire course of the project in a major way. This would probably require the working groups here first to arrive at some questions and then I’d want to consult with some other remote viewing professionals like Paul Smith who specializes in RV project management, to ensure it was the best one to write into any tasking, whether undisclosed or disclosed. If interested let me know. 🙂 Debra
Annalisa Ventola
Thank you for your generous offer, Debra! I have passed this along to the project leaders of the three initiatives, and if they have a need, I will put you in touch!
Michael Totaro
Thank you Debra!
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